Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You Know There Is A God When...

Some people believe there is no Creator or God out there, but when I look at my life, all I can see is God. I've been depressed, suicidal, hurt, abandoned and anything else out there, but one thing stays the same....God. He has never left me. Even when I cursed Him, He never left. In the last week I have seen God like no other time in my life. 

  • I saw God through a flood of tears in front of His altar. 
  • I saw God in my friends who cared enough to check up on me and cheer me up.
  • I saw God when I was driving home last night and 3 songs came on one after another encouraging me to push through and find hope.
  • I saw God in my family and the way we interact.
  • I saw God in a child who knew something was wrong and came to me and said it would be alright.
  • I saw God in church when He spoke to me telling me He loved me despite my past.
  • I saw God when I returned to Him after picking other things over Him.
  • I saw God in the quietness of my heart.
  • I saw God in the heart of a woman who cared enough to sit down with me.
  • I saw God when He protected me from accidents that could have very well put me in the hospital.
  • I saw God as He heals me and makes me new everyday.
  • I saw God as he spoke to me through scripture, people, music, and nature.
  • I saw God as He helped me make some hard decisions in my life.
  • I saw God in the darkness and He gave me light. 
  • I saw God in the happiness of a friend as she chose to give it all to Christ.
  • I saw God as He restored the relationship between one of my friends and her boyfriend. 
  • I saw God when I realized it was okay to argue with Him, because He would rather hear the honesty of our hearts than the bull we try to give Him. (Credit to Mrs. Denise aka Mom). 
  • I saw God as I sat praising Him at 1 in the morning just because of who He is.
  • I saw God when He answered prayer...and continues to do so.

Where have you seen God? I encourage you to make a list of how God is working in your life. Sometimes it is hard to see what He is doing because of the pain and hurt, but there are always blessings and sometimes we just need to focus on them. Look for the beauty in life. Look for the good. It is everywhere. We just have to keep our eyes open to the beauty around us. 

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